Why I like Fashion
Okay so I like fashion. It's cool to me. Wow these sentences are very basic. Let's step it up a bit. Humans Are pretty shallow. We judge books by the covers. I know I do. The fact is, there is a billon dollar industry devoted to making that cover as incredible as possible. Wow this is really not going anywhere. Maybe I don't know why I like fashion. Let me write in the next paragraph about what I like about fashion. I like red clothes. I like when an outfit is all one color. I like when shoulders are bold or pointy. I like when heels are high. I like when skirts are long and flowy. I like lots of textures. I like bags with a chain for a strap. I like high waisted jeans. I like embellishments. I like turtleneck sweaters. I also like chunky sweaters. I like when things are tucked in. I like when a certain trend moves like a wave and then all of the sudden everyone is wearing it. But then EVERYONE is wearing it and I get irritated. But I like getting irritated. I like things...